

The first "data-first" and "data-last" utility library designed specifically for TypeScript

npm install remeda
pnpm add remeda
yarn add remeda
bun install remeda


There are no good utility libraries that work well with TypeScript. When working with Lodash or Ramda you have to annotate types manually most of the time. Remeda is written and tested in TypeScript and that means there won't be any problems with custom typings.

What's "data-first" and "data-last"?

Functional programming is nice, and it makes the code more readable. However there are situations where you don't need "pipes", and you want to call just a single function.

// Remeda
R.pick(obj, ["firstName", "lastName"]);

// Ramda
R.pick(["firstName", "lastName"], obj);

// Lodash
_.pick(obj, ["firstName", "lastName"]);

For readers looking for data-last forms like R.filter(fn)(array), Remeda supports it. Keep reading along!

In the above example, "data-first" approach is more natural and more programmer friendly because when you type the second argument, you get the auto-complete from the IDE. It's not possible to get the auto-complete in Ramda because the data argument is not provided.

"data-last" approach is helpful when writing data transformations aka pipes.

const users = [
  { name: "john", age: 20, gender: "m" },
  { name: "marry", age: 22, gender: "f" },
  { name: "samara", age: 24, gender: "f" },
  { name: "paula", age: 24, gender: "f" },
  { name: "bill", age: 33, gender: "m" },

// Remeda
  R.filter((x) => x.gender === "f"),
  R.groupBy((x) => x.age),

// Ramda
  R.filter((x) => x.gender === "f"),
  R.groupBy((x) => x.age),
)(users); // broken typings in TS :(

// Lodash
  .filter((x) => x.gender === "f")
  .groupBy((x) => x.age)

// Lodash-fp
  _.filter((x) => x.gender === "f"),
  _.groupBy((x) => x.age),
)(users); // broken typings in TS :(

Mixing paradigms can be cumbersome in Lodash because it requires importing two different methods. Remeda implements all methods in two versions, and the correct overload is picked based on the number of provided arguments. The "data-last" version must always have one argument less than the "data-first" version.

// Remeda
R.pick(obj, ["firstName", "lastName"]); // data-first
R.pipe(obj, R.pick(["firstName", "lastName"])); // data-last

R.pick(["firstName", "lastName"], obj); // error, this won't work!
R.pick(["firstName", "lastName"])(obj); // this will work but the types cannot be inferred

Lazy evaluation

Many functions support lazy evaluation when using pipe or piped. These functions have a pipeable tag in the documentation.

Lazy evaluation is not supported in Ramda and only partially supported in lodash.

// Get first 3 unique values
const arr = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6];

const result = R.pipe(
  arr, => {
    console.log("iterate", x);
    return x;
); // => [1, 2, 3]

 * Console output:
 * iterate 1
 * iterate 2
 * iterate 2
 * iterate 3

Indexed version

Iterable functions have an extra property indexed which is the same function with iterator (element, index, array).

const arr = [10, 12, 13, 3];

// filter even values
R.filter(arr, (x) => x % 2 === 0); // => [10, 12]

// filter even indexes
R.filter.indexed(arr, (x, i) => i % 2 === 0); // => [10, 13]

Strict version

Some functions have an extra property strict which is the same function with stricter types.

const input = { a: "x", b: "y", c: "z" } as const;

const result = R.keys(input);
//    ^?: Array<string>

const resultStrict = R.keys.strict(input);
//    ^?: Array<'a' | 'b' | 'c'>