Migrate: just

  • Just’s extend performs an in-place merge which mutates the first argument. Remeda functions never mutate the arguments. Because of this extra care is needed when migrating.
  • If you have the deep flag enabled use Remeda’s mergeDeep instead. Arrays are not merged deeply in Remeda, unlike extend which clones arrays.
  • There is no equivalent function for merging of arrays. Extending arrays is only relevant for sparse arrays which are uncommon. For regular arrays extend is similar to splice.
  • If you are merging more than two objects, use mergeAll which takes an array of objects to merge. Notice that this merge is shallow; there is no equivalent function in Remeda which would perform a deep merge of multiple objects.

New object

// Just
const result = extend({}, a, b);

// Remeda
const result = merge(a, b);


// Just
const DATA = { ... };
extend(DATA, b);

// Remeda
let DATA = { ... };
DATA = merge(DATA, b);


// Just
extend(true /* deep */, a, b);

// Remeda
mergeDeep(a, b);


// Just
const DATA = [...];
extend(DATA, b);

// Remeda
let DATA = [...];
DATA = splice(DATA, 0 /* start */, b.length /* deleteCount */, b /* replacement */);

Multiple objects

// Just
const DATA = { ... };
extend(DATA, b, c, d);

// Remeda
let DATA = { ... };
DATA = mergeDeep([DATA, b, c, d]);